COASSF-31-A Dummy's Guide to Business Plan

This week is the mid-term exam week for GSB. It kicked off with GSBGEN 239: Executive Communication Strategies' individual presentation. I translated one of my old presentations on Business Plan Writing from Chinese into English and just went with it. The original presentation was first used in my talk in China Central
Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) to a class of graduate students who wanted to learn more about the business world. For a short 5-minute presentation, it's pretty heavily loaded.

My PPT follows Steve Jobs' school of "zen style" of ppt-making, with a lot of inspirations from Garr Reynolds' wonderful book:"Presentation Zen". Basically:

  • Full-background impactful pictures;
  • As few words as possible;
  • Huge fonts
Dummy's Guide to Business Plan from Herbert Yang